Applying Filtering

In case of an emergency

  1. Remain calm
  2. Seek medical adviceFind the emergency information on the label and follow the first-aid instructions:
  • Ingestion: do not induce vomiting, call a doctor or Poison Control Centre immediately
  • Contact with eyes or skin: rinse thoroughly with clean water and contact a doctor if the irritation or pain persists. If you wear contact lenses, remove them immediately.
  • Allergic reaction: call a doctor or emergency services if there is swelling around the throat
  1. In case of emergency seek medical advice. This can also be obtained from your local Poison Control Centre.


Be prepared to give the following information to your doctor:
- Which product has been swallowed;
- How much of the product has been swallowed (bite, sip, cup, etc.)
- At what time the product was swallowed;
- The symptoms;
- First-aid measures performed;
- The age and/or weight of the patient.
- Known allergies

The skin

When dangerous products come into contact with the skin, the skin needs to be rinsed thoroughly with clean, lukewarm water. For corrosive products, rinse for at least 10-15 minutes. You should visit your doctor when in doubt and/or if pain persists. For more information on dangerous products and the symbols you will find on their packaging, please consult the Read the label section.

The eyes

When a corrosive substance splashes into your eyes, you need to rinse the eyes thoroughly with clean, lukewarm water. If you wear contact lenses, remove them immediately following contact with the product; substances may accumulate in the tear-water behind the lenses, preventing the substance from being rinsed out. Do not forget to rinse under the eyelids as well. You should visit your doctor when in doubt and/or if pain persists.


In case of accidental inhalation, the first thing to do is breathe in fresh air. Please ensure that other people do not enter the room after you have left it before it has been properly ventilated. You should visit your doctor when in doubt and/or if pain persists.





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